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IRA Real Estate – Wealth-Building Options for Retirement Investors

IRA Real Estate
IRA Real Estate

A lot of wealth-building opportunities are presented to plan participants particularly the Solo 401 k IRA real estate. Eligible plan owners can enjoy a full range of earning options in the lucrative world of real estate with the highest return on investment. Aside from the highest 2015 Solo 401 k contribution limits, the SEP 401 k also offers the Checkbook Control feature. Huge retirement savings with easy access to your retirement plan assets are remarkable combinations to a profitable retirement investment.

Why explore the IRA real estate opportunity?

Real estate is a proven and tested earning option since properties in this category become higher in value as developments in the location take place. Using the Owner-Only 401k retirement funds for your real estate investment gives you the opportunity to multiply your profits. There are numerous IRA real estate opportunities where you can invest your retirement funds such as mortgage notes, tax liens, tax deeds, rental properties, and raw lands.

Earning without Tax Restrictions

It is possible to earn from IRA real estate without any tax obligations through the Roth Solo 401 k sub account. This is one variant of the self-employment 401k retirement account where the plan participant can make after-tax contributions. The Solo Roth 401k contribution frees the plan owner from any tax restrictions imposed on the income, profit, withdrawal, and deposit made from the Individual k retirement savings.

Cost Effective Plan Administration

Through the Checkbook Control feature, you can explore more wealth-building IRA real estate opportunities without consent and additional charges from a third party custodian. Once you see a good investment opportunity coming, you can easily access and use your retirement savings without delay and loads of paperwork that is required for custodian’s consent. The Participant-Only 401 k retirement account is a good option for hassle-free transaction and simple plan administration.

Loan Option

On top of the lucrative profits you can get from your IRA real estate investment, plan participants can also borrow from their retirement plan. Borrow as much as $50,000 or 50% of your total plan value. Use the borrowed amount without restrictions as long as you can comply with the repayment terms.

Learn the basics of the Solo 401k retirement account and enjoy numerous income generating privileges from your IRA real estate investment. The first step to getting a good 401 k retirement plan is through choosing a dependable and established plan provider.

Related Keywords

.           IRA investment

.           2015 solo 401 k contribution limits

.           SEP 401 k

.           self-employment 401k retirement account

.           Owner-Only 401 k