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The Solo Roth 401 k – A Tax-Free Way to Invest and Earn

Using the Solo Roth 401 k is your surefire way of enjoying zero tax restrictions when you invest your money and earn from your ventures. With the best pension plan to help you put your hard-earned money in the right place for the future, you can certainly enjoy your stable and secure retirement years. There are innumerable retirement plan companies offering the Individual k pension plan but only reputable plan providers especially Sense Financial could help you boost your retirement savings and enjoy as it grow before your eyes.

The Solo Roth 401 k Tax-Free Features

If you prefer to establish the personal 401k retirement account, you can opt to rollover your account to the Solo Roth 401 k sub account. In this particular feature, plan owners can make an after-tax contribution in order to enjoy the privileges of getting exempted from taxes particularly on the generated income from your investment. The investment is of course funded using your retirement savings from the Self-Directed 401 k. Your earnings when you invest in real estate, mortgage notes, tax liens and tax deeds, precious metals, and others are tax-free. You face no tax obligations and your generated income could go straight to your retirement funds in full.

Setting Up the Solo 401 k

The first thing you need to do is find a reputable and trusted plan provider such as Sense Financial. Only a good and dependable plan administrator could deliver a wide range of perks when you establish the most recommended pension plan today. You need to comply with the qualification requirements in order to set up the Owner-Only 401k such as proof of self-employment and small business ownership.

Complying with the eligibility requirements helps you establish the Solo Roth 401 k and keeping your annual contribution up to date is another surefire way of enjoying its benefits. The maximum contribution on a yearly basis is $57,500 inclusive of the profit sharing and catch up contribution for plan owners who are 50 years of age and older. This is the highest contribution max which allows you to save more money and enjoy more benefits from your retirement plan.

You could never go wrong with the best and most lucrative retirement plan especially when you establish yours with a trusted and reputable company such as Sense Financial. Learn how the Solo Roth 401 k could help maximize your earnings without any tax restrictions that have major cuts in your income.